

A year to remember

With the end of the year fast approaching I began looking back over all that has happened since January and what a year it has been!

With the huge Dubai commission complete, February had me travelling to Dubai to supervise the installation of the 5 giant panels I had created for the Address Downtown hotel lobby. At the same time as completing the Dubai commission last December, I was also commissioned by Christian Louboutin to produce artwork that would be installed directly onto walls in shops in several different countries. This commission meant between 2 and 12 paintings per shop, it was a lot of work to complete. October brought with it a long awaited project for Dior and an incredible trip to China.

China was a fantastic experience and so very different from the Western culture I grew up in. It was all so very different from home. I was able to give myself some time to explore a bit of China between the two jobs for Dior and took the opportunity to disappear into the mountainous countryside. At Zhangjiajie I walked through those wonderful pointed mountains that you may have seen in footage about mainland China, or the film Avatar and met some very entertaining monkeys with their babies.

When I got to Xi’an, I made friends with some fellow travellers and explored the city. The 2,000 year old, life size figures of the Terracotta army are a truly spectacular sight, not to be missed if you find yourself in the area.

My next adventure begins in a few days, when I fly for 4 and a half weeks to India, a country I have always wanted to see.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and I wish you a truly happy New Years eve and year ahead.